Monday, April 28, 2014

Anna - 2.5 Years

Our sweet little girl is 2.5 years old!  Anna is fun, dramatic, lively, girly, creative, high spirited, affectionate, passionate, charming and loving.
Anna loves everything fiercely.  Whether it is a stuffed animal, rubber duck, princess figure or baby doll - she has a kiss, hug and cozy spot for each one.  She always has a bag filled with a special friend for the day and all of its necessary accessories. She carefully tucks in her bunny each night and kisses and hugs all the loofah sponges (shapes liked animals) in the shower.
She loves playing with Kate and Max.  She is constantly dressing up in her ballet and princess clothes and emulating Kate.  She loves to sing and dance especially if she has an audience. Anna will literally copy every word out of Kate's mouth. She loves chasing Max around with a sword or lightsaber and patch on her eye.
She wants to be involved in every activity, craft, game, story time and adventure we come up with.  She is spending more time completing craft projects.  She will listen to multiple stories in a sitting and always looking for more. Whether we are chasing geese, blowing bubbles, riding bikes or climbing rock walls, she is right in there never missing an opportunity to be involved.
Anna loves to show off what she knows.  She knows all her letter sounds and can identify some letters.  She knows "A" is for Anna, "K" is for Kate and "M" is for Max. She likes counting to ten forward and backward. Occasionally, she attempts skip counting by tens. She scribbles on a white board and is quick to explain her "drawings" to us. She is starting to ask what specific words mean as she hears them.
We are working on potty training with some success.  Kate has made a progress chart and Max is in charge of adding stickers as they are earned! So at least she gets a lot of positive attention for her achievements.
Anna is doing well with her diabetes regimen.  She continues to have large ups and downs with her sugar levels but takes it all in stride and knows a lot of medical terms! She definitely prefers her strawberry shortcake band-aids over all others. :)
She loves playing soccer, like Kate and Max, and is eager to start swim lessons and go to the pool this summer.  She also wants to do ballet and explore gymnastics... 
Our little firecracker fills our days with so much happiness, laughter and warm hearts.


Susan said...

Oh I love the update about little Anna. She is so dear and animated. The pictures are great. Her brother and sister live her so much and are teaching her all they know. I love her energy and enthusiasm. Live YVBA

Erin said...

love - so cute!