Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fourth Annual Egg Hunt

Since 2011, we have organized an egg hunt with our neighbors - The Mudd Family! Each year, we run into challenges with the weather but everyone is so excited and flexible that it is always a memorable event. We had to postpone the egg hunt to Easter morning because of the weather Saturday. We are so fortunate to have such a fun, flexible group of friends, neighbors and family to make this event such a success. 
 We start with lots of play time for the kids and a potluck brunch.
We gather the kids to get a picture, explain the rules and scavenger hunt and line them by age so the little ones get to lead the way to our backyard - baskets in hand.  Little ones get to get as many eggs as they want, ages 3+ have a scavenger hunt to complete and there were 32 golden eggs hidden which are then turned in for prizes.  The prize bin is monitored by a couple of middle school girls. There are a few older girls who opt out of the egg hunt but LOVE helping the little kids. It is the most fun organized chaos ever!

I absolutely love this tradition!

1 comment:

Susan said...

every year there is so much excitement. Awesome!
Traditions are fun.