Monday, November 25, 2013


It may be hard to believe that we visited Santa before Thanksgiving but we did!  To be honest I was not quite ready for Santa myself but there Kate and I were at the mall having girls' day when she spotted Santa.  She was so excited, squealed, grabbed my hand and started running.  So how could I say "let's think about this" or "we will come another time" or "let's wait for Max" when all the little girl wanted was to sit on his lap and talk... So we did...I grabbed a few pictures... And the day will always be special to me. Well, little did I know this was going to turn out to be the most gigantic fiasco ever!  That night, when Kate fell asleep, I found Max crying in his bed holding the picture of Kate and Santa.  It about tore my heart out to see Max so upset that he missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime to talk to Santa.  I made every effort to find Santa the next day and somewhere between preschool, naps and ballet we lucked out and found Santa sitting by himself ready for a few little ones to visit him! Of course Max and Kate were giddy at the thought of visiting him. Anna, however, told me on the way to visit Santa, "Momma, I no want see Santa!" So there we were, Kate and Max on his lap and Anna in her stroller, with her head turned away from Santa and her eyes tightly closed the entire time she was next to him! 
Santa did ask each of the kids what they wanted for Christmas and the kids were ready with the one thing they truly wanted and Anna said(with her eyes closed), "babbio (i.e. baby doll) please."

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a precious story. The pics are great and Anna may have not wanted anything to do with the big guy but she does know what will make her happy on Christmas. Love it. Love you