Monday, November 18, 2013

Our little Peanut

At Anna's 2-year well visit she was 22lb and 11oz and 32.7in. tall.  She did so well at the visit, answered questions, followed directions, showed the doctor all her baby's parts, listened to stories, got her blood drawn and cheered when we pulled into the driveway saying, "Hooray, we're home,  it (s)moothie time!!!"  Love the enthusiasm!
 She is constantly asking, " I play now?" She just jumps right into whatever the kids are doing whether they are stringing beads, coloring, cooking, dressing up, building something, hiding, playing outside, catching lizards, listening to books, building bunny homes, getting cozy is Kate's bed, singing, dancing, doing ballet, going on a walk...their seem to be no limits!
Anna loves band-aids!  She will help herself to one, two, or half-dozen band-aids at any given time.  She decorates herself, her babies and anyone who seems a little hurt or sad in any way.  She wears band-aids on top of her tights.  The other day I was walking around target when a lady kindly told me how much she loved the three band-aids I was sporting on my leggings! No matter the reason for the band-aids Anna always asks, "(person's name), so happy?" So sweet!
There is nothing Anna will not say.  She is is quite the little joker too!  The other day she was chanting something about poopy in the car and I said, "no more poopy talk Anna." Her response, "Pee, pee talk?" Whenever she talks to Mimi she says, "Icky day!" just so Mimi will say, "No, it's not an icky day!"  Just to get a response from Daddy she will start singing, "Shake your booty!"
Kate and Max helped me get some awesome "I Two" pictures.  Hooray for teamwork - I could not have done it (I tried) without them.


Susan said...

Oh My Goodness. I love the updates and laughed at her antics. Thanks for sharing. Love the pics so much. Thanks! Live and hugs YVBA

Emily G. said...

She is such a little doll! And quite the sparkplug :)

Erin said...
