Friday, May 10, 2013

We Love Our Teachers

It was Teacher Appreciation Week at preschool.  We had a lot of fun school-wide treats planned for all the teachers.  And since we adore our teachers, the kids love projects and I am obsessed with pinterest, we decided a few extra surprises would not hurt! :)

Inspiration for Fun in the Sun this summer - lemonade container filled with lemonade, cups and snacks.

Hand-painted pictures and notes for their teachers.

Freshly picked strawberries (Yes, we went again!)

Teachers, thank you for all you do to make each day fun and exciting!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Interesting, that I sent a message and it did not show. Whatever.... the pics are great and you know as I do how much the teachers appreciate being thanked. You did a great job and I know the kids had fun preparing. Youa re teaching them great values in giving and sharing. Love and hugs, YVBA