Sunday, May 5, 2013


Even though Anna went strawberry picking with us last year via the Bjorn, this was her first PICKING experience! She really got into it - surprisingly, she pulling strawberries off the plants on her own, filling and emptying her pail mid-row (like Max) and eating every other one (like Kate).
The kids seem to think they can only pick one strawberry from each plant.  Kate of course looked for the tiniest of strawberries and wanted to keep them safe forever.  Max meticulously studied each and every strawberry (a slight exaggeration) before picking.
They all had a blast and Anna ate her whole pail of strawberries by the time we got home!


Anonymous said...

Look at all these beautiful growing-up kids. We miss them all.

Susan said...

Strawberry picking is your tradition and a great one. I love how Anna ate all of hers. Too, cute. I am sure there will be more strawberry picking adventures. Anna seems to do everything her brother and sister do. So fun!
Love and hugs, YVBA

Emily G. said...

love their (different!) personalities....