Monday, September 24, 2012

Belfast, Maine 2012

We have just returned from an AMAZING week in Belfast, Maine visiting Mimi and Pop Pop (Mary Ellen & Ken).  The kids were in Mimi/Pop Pop heaven complete with books, crafts, baseball, ice cream cones, a boat ride, picnic lunches, parks, lighthouses, lobsters, crabs, a camp fire and the fair.  Peter and I enjoyed the extra special family time, time for ourselves and time together.  The simplicity of Belfast (and the cool, dry air) was invigorating! 

Searsport Shores Camp Grounds
Playground, Goats, Picnic Lunch, Beach Combing

This lobster shack is right around the corner from the house.  The lobsterman caught the lobsters that morning and we hand selected our own dinner.  The kids were very interested but Anna was the only one who would touch a lobster!

Miss Ellie to Cape Jellison
Fort Point Lighthouse
Boat ride to the Fort Point Lighthouse. Picnic under the bell tower.

Mimi hit the jackpot with catching crabs off the dock using hotdogs, string and clothes hangers! We caught 15+ crabs in less than 20 minutes.

The kids picked their own apples (and we supplemented with a few more) to make our own applesauce.

Camp Fire
The kids have wanted to roast marshmallows forever - so of course Mimi and Pop Pop made sure that happened!

Mimi and I took the kids to Camden while the guys went sailing.  We met Mimi's friend Ms. Barboo for a picnic, duck feeding, and shopping.

Belfast City Park
Love this park - right around the corner

Common Ground Fair
This deserves its own post...
Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for making this such an incredibly fun, relaxing, and memorable week!


Emily G. said...

it looks so picturesque! I have never been anywhere in new england and would love to.

what a great trip (and tradition)!

Susan said...

OK I am sure that it was fun and memorable and awesome but ...relaxing? Not according to the photos. I am jealous....all the things I love to do. Glad you all had the best time together.
Love and hugs, YVBA