Friday, July 27, 2012


The kids and I took a quick trip to Wilmington to visit Grandma Mary, Papa D and Abigail.  We had a BLAST at their pool, the beach, in the playroom and out on the town. 

All three just loved being in the water.  The pool toys were a hit, especially the squirt guns which turned into an all out war between the kids and Grandparents.  Kate clung to every flotation device until Papa D got her floating and jumping in.  Max was fearless and loved putting out fires by dumping buckets of water on everyone.

Once again Anna wanted to be part of the action, sitting/standing in the water and playing with the sand. Max wanted to dig and build, his favorite castle was a drip castle that he meticulously worked on until is got washed away. Kate wanted to be tossed and turned by the waves - the rougher the better.
Grandma Mary has worked very hard to stock her playroom closet with toys for all ages.  Max and Kate begged to play every waking minute that we were not on the beach or at the pool.  Max spent hours lining up dinosaurs, reading books and organizing cars.  Kate collected all sorts of things, took care of baby animals and pretended to be a princess at all times (she even tried to wear the "glass slippers" to bed one night). Anna loved the noise makers, small bath toys, baby dolls, and ROCKY!
Fuzzy Peach Frozen Yogurt

Thank you Grandma Mary, Papa D and Abigail (and Rocky) for spending so much time playing with us.  I truly appreciate the extra hands and find these little getaways very relaxing. THANK YOU! See you soon.

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