Saturday, July 28, 2012

9 Months

Anna rolls quickly from one side of a room to the other, under beds and tables and to toys.  She has a lot more bumps and bruises these days because of all the things she rolls into.  Most notably this month, she wants to stand.  She arches her back when she wants to be upright (with support) and then she dances (i.e. bounces) her legs.  When she gets really excited, she wiggles her legs very quickly.


WOW, Bye-Bye and the "H" sound have been added to Anna's short list. She has been attempting to wave "hi" and "bye".


Anna is quite the traveler.  This month alone she has been to Tampa, Myrtle Beach, and Wilmington to visit family and play in pools and oceans. 

This month we started to explore some dairy in addition to fruits, veggies, and grains.  Unfortunately, dairy does not seem to agree with Anna quite yet based on a few sleepless nights, tummy troubles and puking.   Finger foods have been a huge hit.  She picks things up with both hands but usually picks up with her left and transfers to her right before putting it directly in her mouth.

Anna's hemangiomas seem to have stopped growing and may even be starting to shrink.  After several visits to multiple doctors we have concluded that the welts that continuosly appear on arms and legs are an hyper-reaction to outdoor bug bites (probably mosquito).

She is so easily entertained by Max and Kate in the car, at the pool, on the floor, in her bed...all they have to do is look at her and she grins and giggles.  The other day they put on a parade for her which she thought was absolutely spectacular.

Update: 16.1 lbs; 28in.

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