Monday, February 27, 2012

Progress Reports

We had our three year doctor's visit, a conference with Ms. Carla, and a report from Ms. Nicole the gymnastics teacher in the past week.  I am proud to say that all reports were wonderful and hilarious at the same time.

Kate: 29.5lb, 36.9 in. and has great eye site. Ms. Carla says she is "a little mom" to all the kids.  She repeats instructions to others and always makes sure Max is on cue and at her side.  She will do stations without Max but given the choice she returns to Max.  She is in good shape with her ABC's, numbers, colors and most shapes. She struggles a little more with reading her name.  She loves everything about gymnastics especially the trampoline, pit, balance beam, bars, and water fountain.

Max 30.9 lb, 37.3 in. and has great eye site.  When asked to identify the pictures for the eye exam he said, square, circle, apple, and Hen House!  Yes, not just a house, but a hen house (it came from a book), the nurse and I were dying.  Ms. Carla says he is very proud and excited to answer all questions, sing songs out loud, and belt out his daily prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.  He recognizes his name and Kate's name and is asking how to say (spell) other words.  He loves gymnastics especially the pit and doing projects (crafts).

I must be doing something right...


Emily G. said...

you're doing everything right!!!!

ps that pic of them in the gowns with their underwear peeking out is PRECIOUS!

Susan said...

Certainly you are on the mark with the twins and little Anna May! Never doubt that. I agree with Emily, the gowns and underwear is the best!
Love and hugs, YVBA