Monday, February 6, 2012

3 Years Old!

It is unbelievable to think that three years ago we were sitting in a hospital room with our 4lb newborns, diligently recording each milliliter of formula and praying we would all go home together.  Now Max is shooting baskets... and Kate is practicing her ballet in her princess clothes...! They are continuously evolving into their own little selves reflecting all they hear, say, do, and feel. 

Kate is our Girly Girl - she can not get enough pink, princess, or patent leather!  She makes up stories that start with "once upon a a castle...there was a princess..." She loves picking out her outfit for the day, choosing her hairstyle (one or two ponytails), and selecting just the right shoes for the outfit. She likes to be in charge, telling Max what he can and can not do and always trying to strike a deal or make a plan.  We feel like Kate is our extrovert as she thrives on personal interactions.  We think her biggest change is her interest and compassion for others (real and pretend).

Max is such a boy - continuing to love his tools, trucks, and dirt. He is constantly pointing out and studying construction equipment, emergency vehicles and things that have "robot arms".   He will proudly sing a song, lead the dinner prayer, and spell his name M.A.X.!  He is still our worker bee - loving all arts and crafts, pretending to be a mechanic or construction worker, digging in the dirt, or explaining ____ in detail.  We think Max is more introverted taking quiet time on his own to energize or regroup. His biggest change this year is in his confidence.

Max and Kate's unique personalities compliment each other. Both are interested in doing projects, going on adventures, cooking, reading/being read to, visiting the library, spending time with their grandparents, caring for their baby sister, going to gymnastics and preschool, and being outside.   We feel the biggest change is in their desire to be together!  There is a special bond between the two that is simply amazing to watch develop.

Dear Potomas and Buddy
We are very proud to be your parents. You both fill our days with so much happiness.  We are looking forward to another year of hilarious moments and memorable occasions.
Love Always and Forever
Mom & Dad


Susan said...

Love the photos and they are so adorable. it is great to hear about them through your eyes. Thanks for sharing that. You are all truly Blessed!
Love and hugs, YVBA

Emily G. said...

happy bday to your sweet twins! I love the special relationship they have together. and I love how different their little personalities are! wonder who anna will be like!?