Thursday, July 14, 2011

22 Weeks

Our Baby Girl is growing well. She is measuring around 21w 4days and 1 lb 1oz. We are so thrilled!

The kids and I were playing the other day and Max says, "Dr. Max check baby." He gets the stethoscope and listens to the baby (i.e. my tummy) and says, "Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum...everything OK Mommy!"

Kate looked at the 3D pictures and pointed out all the baby parts and said, "Oooh, cute baby!"

From Baby K

From Baby K

I am working on the nursery. All things newborn have been brought down from the attic and I painted the room a light green. I am delaying the transition to "big kid beds" as long as possible so the crib has not made it to the nursery yet.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh so happy you had a good visit with the doctor. I keep praying for this new life and her mom!
Well, what's up with all your prep. I thought I was going to be put to work. They way you are going, I will be there to play!!!!!
Love and hugs,