Saturday, December 25, 2010


I can not describe the excitement and joy this day brought to our family. I have tears in my eyes as I write this post because today was everything I imagined it would be - my own children thrilled by every thing, food item, and person in our very own home!

We are very blessed to be surrounded by so many people that love us, our children, and each other. Thank you to everyone who traveled, cooked, cleaned, put together toys, and played like they were kids again.

Thank you for the phone calls, skype time, cards, emails, texts, and special packages from all over the world!

Andy teaches Max to write on the windows

Andy teaches Kate to use her baby gear as a catapult

Jenny lets Kate 'read' to her

Mimi and Pop Pop surprise Max and Kate after their nap with a kitchen

Lana and Charles skype with the kids while they open their gifts and model

Uncle Matt Arrives

Family Feast and Secret Santa Gifts

Santa brings Kate a Baby Doll and Stroller

Santa Brings Max a Train

Santa brings both an activity table

Santa left a tent by the tree

Christmas Brunch Preparation

Quick Email Check

Bye-Bye Andy and Jenny

Play time with Uncle Matt

From Christmas 2010

We skype with Grandma Mary, Papa D, Abigail, Liz, Emma, and Bill and open gifts

Christmas 2010!!!

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