Monday, December 6, 2010

22 Months

Hugs...they melt my heart every time!

Kate likes her new Baby from Grandma Mary and Papa D -she takes off her clothes, points out her parts, covers her with a blanket, feeds her a bottle, and transports her in her cart. Her words are becoming more decipherable. We can almost have a conversation between her words, gestures, phrases, and context clues. She seems to understands more concepts like hot/cold, on/off, in/out, sleeping = "shhhh", and if...then... . She actually calls Max "Bax" without prompting and she tells him "No, No" when he is doing something SHE does not approve of. Shannon taught her how to play hide-n-seek with Bunny which has turned into a regular game at our house.

Our happy 26lb little boy loves to hide in cabinets, closets, and under his bed. He really enjoys the T-ball set - he likes getting the ball on the "T" as much hitting the ball. He often moves the "T" to the ball. Balls, shovels, and "building" things with mega blocks make him so happy. He seems to have turned errands into a game - trying to talk to everyone and get responses. He will even say "Hi Girl" to little girls...Daddy is so proud! We continue to go to Duke every other week for dose increases and he now takes more than 1/2 peanut every day with no problems to report!


Susan said...

Oh, I jsut want to play with and hug the two of them so much. They must be so fun and the curiosity a blast. Enjoy every moment.
Love and hugs, YVBA

Susan said...

I also just want to learn how to spell while I type!!!!! :)