Sunday, April 11, 2010

14 Months

Kate is a busy bee... She can walk forward, backward, with only one finger, and stand on her own but she will NOT walk on her own yet.

She showed interest in using a spoon last week, so I had to take a chance and give her a plate and spoon - YIKES! It is everything I can do not to take it all away and do it myself but she is so cute "stirring" her food, picking it up with her fingers, and following it to her mouth with the spoon. Every once in a while she will dip the spoon in something and put it in her mouth.

As with all new things, she will repeat opening and closing any door again and again. Max thinks it is hilarious to be on one side and her one the other. He laughs every time she closes the door all the way and can not get it open. She will open the door and say "HI" and then close the door while saying "Bye". She will also close herself in the cupboard and then begin a game of peek-a-boo with whoever is near.

Max "cruises" around everything. He enjoys every side of his crib, inside and out. He works his way around the playroom, kitchen, tables, family room with no help and minimal head trauma!

Max is pointing to everything. He started with the whole-hand Vanna point and now he has perfected the one-finger point. He knows the owl, bird, and hedgehog on the walls of his room and points to birds and dogs on our walks. He loves to say and wave "Hi/Bye" to strangers, us, and especially Kate.

He prefers his food to be in separate piles on his tray (not a plate or bowl). He is fine holding the spoon in one hand while he eats but it has nothing to do with helping him eat in any way. Mandarin oranges last about one second on his tray!

He repeats things over and over too... He gets up and down, up and down, all day long. He will put things in the barn, push them out, and put them in again. He puts the animals in the arc, takes them out, and puts them back in again. He stacks the blocks, knocks them over (or Kate knocks them over), and stacks them again.

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