Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Deck

The deck has become our new hot spot for these wonderful spring days. The kids love crawling around, rearranging the furniture, watching the neighbor kids run around, and talking to the birds.

Kate's language skills are flourishing by the hour. She is putting together more words like "Bird" and "Hi Mama", "Bye Mama", "It"(not sure about this one yet). She is busy exploring and trying new things. When she does something new she repeats it a million times which I find fascinating. She LOVES to watch the birds on the bird feeder. She points to everything which I find super adorable and helpful. She has begun to stand alone for a few seconds at a time.

Max says and waves "Bye" any time he comes or goes. He is getting more adventurous with standing and cruising around. He has started pushing the lion around the playroom. He tries to "bark" and "tweet" at the dogs and birds like Kate. Last week he had his first cold and got another tooth. We went to play with Merritt last week and Max enjoyed all the trucks and trains.

Together Moments! Kate and Max wave to each other. They both stand up in their cribs and squeal and giggle at each other. I am talking a good 30 minutes of this back and forth! LOVE IT! On the deck, they both push around the chairs together. It will be interesting to see who walks first!


Susan said...

So darn adorable! You must have perm-a grin with them every day. Thas so much for sharing. Wish we were close by. Love and hugs, YVBA

Unknown said...

Natalie and Peter your babies are gorgeous!! We have to catch up one of these days - I'd love to see the new house!

Unknown said...

By the way, "Team Webpage" is me...Beth Hunter. Oops!

Jennifer Kranz said...

Jenny wants to know if she can borrow Max and Kate forever.

PS - Great 1-yr photos!