Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cute Moments

In the jogger there is a divider between Kate and Max. They have discovered that they can reach their hands to the other side and tickle each other's fingers and then they start giggling so hard.

From Kate & Max - February 2010

Kate got out of the bathtub, dried off, and was playing with Max who was in the bathtub when she began to pee-pee. She looked down and was shocked. Then she tried to clean up her mess with her towel.
Whenever Kate sees a dog or hears the word "dog" she lets out two little high pitched noises which we believe are "barks".

Max has the gibberish thing going on all the time. To our surprise last night he said "Hi Dadada" clear as could be as soon as Peter walked in the door! Not sure if this was a complete accident but Peter completely melted!
He enjoys the Thomas train table at Barnes and Noble. He studies each car very carefully, watches the other kids move the trains and tries to copy them by putting the cars "to sleep" and pushing them through the tunnel.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Cute Moments indeed! They must keep you in a perm-a-grin! From what you write and the photos I feel like I can see them in action. Your Gram loves the decor on the blog page...
Love and hugs, YVBA