Monday, August 3, 2009

Aunt Abigail Visits

We just had a wonderful week with Aunt Abigail. She was such a huge help and we had a lot of fun doing a few new things. Aunt Liz and Emma spent a little time at our house, we did a little shopping, went out to dinner, visited Daddy at work, hung out at Duke Gardens, took a road trip to Greensboro to see their cousin and visit some friends who just had a second baby, and spent a lot of time simply playing with Kate and Max! It was so great having Abigail around, they both seem to adore her and the attention she gave them at any given moment!
Max excited about Emma

The box that made Max so happy. Kate was jealous. She tries to take everything away from Max but he held on tight.

Kate practicing to be an airplane or pilot one day!

Kate monkeying around with the blinds

So Tired!

Duke Gardens

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