Monday, June 8, 2009

A Few Little Updates

Kate is now 12lb 8oz and Max is 13lb 7oz!!! WOW, I cannot believe they are so huge. We are getting ready to transition into 3-6 month clothes. I think a week or two more in our 0-3 month clothes and it will be time to pack them up.

Kate is still the wild one. She demands a lot of one-on-one attention. She smiles with her whole face - she simply lights up! She enjoys playing on her belly and scooting forward. She has a two time limit per day for rolling over. Kate can talk nonstop, especially when her Dad is listening:

Max is calm and sweet. He is trying so hard to roll over. I think any day he will just surprise us all. He has a magnificent grin that spreads across his face. He LOVES his sister. He always reaches out to touch her. When we visited the doctor last week, he was very upset when the doctor was checking out Kate until the Doctor was able to tell Max that Kate was just fine...

We love naked time!

Tummy Time in action!


Emily G. said...

They are getting SO big!

And - funny thing - the way I tell them apart when they're naked is by their eyelashes....Kate's are SUPER long! :)

Lana & Charles said...

Tummy time is hilarious! Kate is going to running around in no time just like her mom. I think Max knows chillin on his belly is the way to go....let everyone else come to him :)

Susan said...

I look at these over and over and love the character of each. Kate is like her mom and on the go while Max is saying, I"I am into chillin' for now, but jsut you wait!" Never can get enough of these two. Keep the photos coming. Thanks so much for sharing them.