Monday, December 29, 2008

31 Weeks - New Feelings

A few new feelings this week. Baby Girl Kranz, who is head down, just got her first bout of hiccups as far as I can determine. Baby Boy Kranz is a world of wonder. His slow smooth motions keep me wondering which way he is facing. There newest trick is to have Baby A roll over and push her butt out so I look like I have a mountain on one side while Baby B is pushing out the side - all simultaneously I might add. It is quite an unusual shape I take on that is hard to describe but very funny. Peter can see there rapid movements and acrobatics from across the room. They both love my ribs and seem to have dance parties at night so when I wake up I feel like I have been beat up! :) They have mastered the art of tricking me by doing quick movements in the middle so I am not sure who did what?!?!
I love it all!


Lora said...

I love reading all the new feelings! I am so glad you are sharing the wonder of pregnancy on your blog :) 31 weeks is great - it seems to have gone by so fast!

Susan said...

WOW! So active now I just know that they are going to have you very busy when they are out and about! This blog is a treat as I would love to be near. Love you to the max!