Saturday, May 2, 2020

Remote Learning: Week 7

Week 7 was a whirlwind! The kids kept up with their work well and finished up early giving them time to explore a few new ideas and spend some extra time "free" reading and writing!!! I can not say enough about the excellent planning these teachers are doing and providing timely feedback in addition to weekly progress reports.  The specials teachers did a "community" themed week. Alex's teachers used rainbows to focus all his reading, writing, math, stories and activities for the week. He went on a virtual field trip to an Millstone Creek Orchards (I hope we can visit a pick our own peaches and apples this year!).
Rain or Shine
 Salon Services

1 comment:

Susan said...

Have to be honest......I am one of those old time teachers! Love and hugs, YVBA