Sunday, February 3, 2019

Rock Climbing

Kate and Max planned an AMAZING 10th birthday party at Triangle Rock Club! They picked the party venue, cake, colors and activities.
Of course the rock climbing part was a HUGE HIT!
 They played this awesome game at the end called Bear Attack!  The kids had a blast hanging on the wall and competing against each other.
The brownie cake was a smashing success! 
The rocks were editable!
We played a couple of games - minute-to-win-it M&M find and toilet paper roll.  The kids were laughing and literally rolling on the floor. Absolutely perfect for a bunch of preteens!
Best Buds sharing their winnings!

1 comment:

Susan said...

OMG! What an awesome party theme and activities. Love the climbing wall. I was 40 when I first climbed wall. Natalie looks like you did really well. What a fantastic NirthdY Celebration for your double digit Birthday!!!
Love you all, YVBGA