Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A New Day...A New Pump

After four years with our Animas One-Touch insulin pump, we have moved on!  It is was a hard decision (it took us a year to decide) with lots of support and input from various sources, we finally made the leap, got trained and started using the Tandem t-slim insulin pump.  It is pretty awesome with integrated Dexcom technology, shutting off when Anna goes low,🙌, touch screen (fancy), smaller and smarter - all sorts of bells and whistles! Anna already noticed it takes less time at school. 💃💃💃

1 comment:

Susan said...

OMG! So very happy for all of you! A new plan that you feel good about !
You have a great team! So happy for you each! ALWAYS IN MY PRAYERS!
Love and hugs, YVBA