Sunday, November 11, 2018

2018 Champs

Max's team WON the championship game this season.  A HUGE win for the team and lots of personal bests and growth throughout the season. Max's confidence in the field really blossomed when he found his spot on the pitcher's mound.  Technically, the pitching machine does the pitching, but Max was named "the black hole" for all balls coming his way! :)  At bat, his mechanics and consistency improved. His hits were stronger and he had some awesome runs!  He was part of an awesome team, had a wonderful coach that was very encouraging and pushed the kids, and they encouraged one another and celebrated graciously.

Max, we are so proud of your growth this season and your team spirit!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh Max, you did so well and improved your skills! So proud of you and love the fact that you enjoy the game. love and hugs, YVBGA