Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Harry Potter World

We are all big fans of Harry Potter.  We have read all the book, seen the movies (1-6) and are currently on book 5 in the audiobooks.  So to say we were excited to get to Harry Potter World is an understatement.  Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and riding the Hogwarts Express were beyond anything we could have imagined!  It was like stepping into the book!!!
Alex was most excited to get a wand and we all practiced spells throughout Harry Potter world Making umbrellas rain, lights turn on, skeletons dance, toilets flush, water fountains flow... truly addicting!
Peter was quite a sensation!
 The girls adopted baby Pygmy Puffs - there was an adoption ceremony!
The Butterbeer was an excellent treat!
Magical Vacation 2018!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh Wow! I was waiting to see Harry Potter World! So very amazing! Hard to believe, but I do!!!!
Such an amazing family vacation and so many stories and memories! And Alex, what a kind little boy to share the magic wand with your brother and sisters! Kudos Dude! I will be looking at these posts many times. Thanks for sharing your adventure!
Love and hugs,