Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Continues

Of course the kids were SUPER excited about their classroom celebrations!

Alex made a cute little LOVEBUG headband, played games, and decorated his Valentine Box! He was SUPER excited to read every Valentine - he giggled about each one and had me re-read them three times!
Max was determined to win the "MOST CREATIVE" Valentine Box - He WON!  Let the Force Be With You Son of Mine! Max said, "This was the best Valentine's Day ever!"
Anna's class celebrated the ENTIRE day!  Anna made more valentine's than anyone in the house - I have been delivering Valentine's and Mailing Valentines for weeks now!!! Little did she know Daddy and I secretly made her a special Valentine to be delivered to her in class - so fun!!
Kate was very proud of her Valentines and we drove all over the neighborhood BEFORE school delivering to friends who are not in her class! Even though her class did not have a box competition, she was proud to make one and bring it to school anyway!
Even our neighbor brought the kids treats! Thank you Miss Caitlin!
This holiday is just so sweet! The kids work so hard to create little nuggets of LOVE to share with their friends. Not to mention we get to use the glue gun ALOT! :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh that is so precious and such work f kindness. So happy for each of you and proud of your creative energy!
Love and valentine hugs, YVBGA