Sunday, November 12, 2017


The kids had the day off of school for Veteran's Day!  Our good friends, the Aguilar's suggested a visit to the Museum of Life and Science!  The kids had a BLAST and loved having Coby and Ethan to run around with the whole time! The inside area is filled with awesome hand-on exploration. Then the kids ran around the giant treehouse playing tag for a long time. The butterfly house always amazes the kids and we used our multiplication skills to estimate how many chrysalis were hanging. The very last area we hit was the Fossil Dig, which we have skipped in the past for various reasons, and it was definitely the best way to end our visit - mud and shovels with a sprinkling of sharks teeth!
Thanks Jenn!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Well that trip to the museum looks like it was a winner! Fun and learning! Love and hugs, YVBA