Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ready. Set. BEEP!

Kate and Max had their swim team time trials. It was an exciting morning.  Kate and Max were both a little nervous and it was overwhelming to be there with almost 300 swimmers but we figured things out together and all feel real good about what to expect at meets.  The 6&under group swim freestyle and backstroke only with a fixed distance of 15 meters and two teen sweepers that stop them and move them out of the pool. It was a very positive experience for all of us and I am thrilled they are loving swim team.
Kate was thrilled to get her name written on her body
Max does a little dance on the blocks before his turn.
Anna and and her friend Liam
Kate is loving the backstroke
Max was so proud!


Susan said...

OK you all are having just so much fun! You look great in your swim team suits!
Give it your best and keep having fun!
Love and hugs YVBGA

Emily G. said...

OMG this is the cutest thing! I can't believe they are old enough for swim team! Brings back such fond memories of the Clemmons West Aqua Demons.

Our neighborhood doesn't have a pool or swim team; so sad! (Even though I'm not sure my kids could be on the swim team anyways. We are late bloomers in that area, LOL!)