Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bunnies, Bunnies, Everywhere!

Kate is enamored with bunnies!  She is constantly thinking about what we would do if we found one (or a family), what they eat, where they might live, who they live with, how we would give them a tubby, what they would like in their den... it is an endless conversation!  We have little bunny houses all around inside and outside plus an emergency kit in the event we see one on our walks or in the car.  Peter thinks it is sweet and shows her compassionate, motherly side. I wonder, at what point should we be concerned...! :)
Decorating a wooden structure for a bunny family
The other day she was writing the names of our family members on a piece of paper and she added "BUNNY" first.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Ok She is way into this Bunny thing. It is cute.
Kate, you have a big heart! good for you!
Love and hugs, YVBA