Saturday, June 1, 2013

Camp Mimi Pop-Pop

The kids had a BLAST at Camp this week.  We were thrilled that two spots opened up at this elite camp that boasts a 1:1 ratio and oodles of outdoor activities! :) The camp counselors love and adore their little campers and the campers feel the same about their counselors.  According to the rules: "what happens at camp, stays at camp." BUT a very reliable source shared a few pics!!!



Bird/Pirate Watching

Kate's Catchy Castle
Max's Marvelous Machine

Roasting Marshmallows by the Campfire!

Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for incredible memories that will last a lifetime!


Susan said...

They are all making great memories. So very special. Wish I lived in the area.
Love and hugs, YVBA

Anonymous said...

The counselors had as much fun as the campers. And what great campers they are. Thanks for sharing these wonderful little people with us.