Thursday, February 28, 2013

16 Months

Anna is such a fun little spirit - full of smiles, hugs, kisses, words, curiosity, and energy!
Babbling Baby - Anna has a lot of baby babble going on these days.  It is fun to put together a few words + pointing + a little babble and make up stories.  Even Kate and Max are convinced they know what she is trying to say most of the time. She really seems to understand a lot of what we say to her and follows simple directives. She hollers for the kids especially "Bax".  

Our little teaser! She is constantly trying to play games with us - peek-a-boo, hide-n-seek, give/take away, "you can't get me" and other silliness that just makes us laugh.
Good Little Eater - Anna eats pretty much everything the kids eat in smaller pieces.  She loves black beans. 
Reader -  Anna has a few books that she will sit all the way through.  It's Time for Bed is definitely her favorite.  She absolutely loves the new guy at story time who is like Raffi in person!
Player - Anna easily entertains herself in the playroom for 30+minutes at a time and like our neighbor says, "she never stops at anything for more than a minute." She works her way through the playroom circuit, briefly exploring every little thing and emptying out all the bins. 
Mover - She gets around just fine on her own cruising, pushing things (like chairs, push toys and tables), crawling, and doing the "crab walk".  She loves climbing in and out of kid chairs.
Anna LOVES spending time outside exploring, getting dirty, drawing with chalk, pushing things around, climbing on top of the picnic table, trying to catch bubbles and chasing Kate & Max.


Erin said...


Susan said...

Anna you are such a bright spot! And you are growing so well. Can't wait to have time to play with you!
Love and hugs YVBGA