Monday, March 12, 2012


Anna's baptism was this weekend (another post) so we had a lot of visitors.  We had an absolutely wonderful day Saturday catching up, playing, eating, and enjoying some great weather. A few of the many highlights:

Aunt Sue met Anna for the first time!

 Gamma Mary and Papa D were on the floor in minutes of their arrival helping with a puzzle

The plasma cars were in constant motion

Uncle Bill is a kid magnet!

 Cozy Coupe Races

 Papa D enjoyed nap time with Anna

Bunny Craft

Playing Outside
wall climbing, relocating mulch, basketball, T-ball, bikes, scooters...

Grandma Mary tried to share Anna

Aunt Sue got a little extra time with Anna once everyone left for the day.

1 comment:

Susan said...

That was such a fun day of family and play. Loved the time with everyone and for sure meeting Anna for the first time.
Love and hugs, YVBA