Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Favorite Cousin

Liz and I have made it our mission this summer to get together as much as we can while she is on summer break! We tried to go to the pool but they had "electrical issues in the pump room". Yes, we had two out of three kids crying their eyes out as we dragged them back to the car. The day still turned out well with play time in the backyard, two popsicles each, lunch, and Yolo frozen yogurt to top off the day!


Bawa Bears said...

haha, which one decided it wasn't a big enough deal to cry? glad yall get to spend lots of time together!!

Proud Parents said...

Max! He was trying to explain to the girls "big cool is brokey, man fix it."

Bawa Bears said...

cute! what a calm, cool, collected boy :).

Susan said...

There ya go, Max has perspective and not going to be bothered about something so logical. Love it! They do look like they had a great day regardless. Love and hugs, YVBA