Wednesday, October 6, 2010

20 Months

The days just get busier and the busier the better! We filled the past month with a trip to the beach and Maine and enjoyed visitors from Greensboro, Minnesota, and New Zealand. At home we have explored arts and crafts, baking, the Huddle House, Green Kids, parks, and several play dates.

Kate is learning words, concepts, and songs daily. She is repeating phrases (ex. up we go, up and down, Tubby Time, 1,2,3, A,B,C) we use often and strings words together (ex. Dada Shh, Dada Shoes, Mama and Dada, school bus). She enjoys putting things away, pushing things around, picking out her shoes, helping Max find his passie, and doing tasks which involve a mop, sponge, or duster. She has become very good at matching puzzle pieces, humming songs and riding her bike. Bunny is always the favorite but she loves all her "babies" and finds ways to push them around, feed them with bottles or her sippy cup, and cradle them in her arms while humming songs. She has so much going on in her little head...

Max has perfected his walking, climbs on everything, tries to race us down the hallway, and started kicking a soccer ball. He communicates well using one word statements that are very effective including No (with a head shake), More, Please and Thank You! He loves to eat a whole apple, pet dogs and cats, wash the car, ride his bike, and explore. He is a very good helper - always putting his clothes in the hamper, diaper in the pail, shoes in the bin, and toys in the appropriate buckets. Max has taken up throwing as his go-to behavior for all occasions - happy, sad, mad - something is always flying...


Emily G. said...

I love all the specifics you write about them....what they're into and what they're saying, etc. It's so neat to hear how different they are!

Hoping to meet these adorable kiddos one day!!! Maybe at Xmas?? We'll be in Clemmons Dec 26th till possibly Jan 4th.

Susan said...

Wow! you capture the little loves so well. Photos are wodnerful. Having had time with them in Sept. makes all this more real and i love hearing every detail.
Love and hugs, YVBA