Sunday, June 6, 2010

16 Months

It is a great time of year to be 16 months old. They have so much energy and enthusiasm for all things new and old. It does matter if it is the same routine every day or a brand new experience - they are so EXCITED!
Kate's walking skills have flourished this month. She can easily maneuver corners, changing directions, carrying things , and screaming wildly as she walks. She loves playing outside and reminds us to take her outside to play by sitting by the door and repeating "bye bye". She is eager to do anything outside especially if it has to do with water! She likes to shows us her belly button and says "tickle-tickle". She has become increasingly affectionate toward Max giving him hugs and kisses, telling him "Hi" when they wake up from naps, sharing his passie, and petting his head when he is upset.

Max is very mobile but not walking on his own. He has transitioned from the one-legged army crawl to crawling on his hands and knees. He easily gets up and down, climbs stairs and tables, and cruises with little effort. He and Kate rearrange furniture and Max has figured out how to move things in any direction he wants. His newest obsession is the color yellow. Any thing that is yellow (bath toys, blocks, sponge...) he collects and carries around and takes to bed. His Grandpa Dennis introduced him to cinnamon toast with butter and jelly, which is now his very favorite food. He loves to climb in and out of his pool and move toys between the pool, picnic table, and water table.

They make us smile...

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