Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Welcome 2010! Peter and I enjoyed a nice day shopping for furniture and the kids spent the day with their cousin, Emma! They had a blast playing with her and all her fun new toys including a life-sized barn door with all sorts of bells and whistles (literally)!

Kate is busy pulling up on everything and transferring from one thing to the next. A new tooth popped through this morning. She enjoys saying "Hi"and "Bye" and waving. She will say hi or bye and wave every time she turns around or leaves a room. he loves Grandma's pots and pans drawers and flush the toilet in her new little toy house.

Max is a busy little guy, getting into all the cupboards and drawers, pulling out all the baskets and linens, opening and closing every door he passes. He loves the barn and house he got for Christmas because they both have plenty of doors and buttons to push and make noise. He is slightly obsessed with things that roll - car, dump truck, tins, balls, and empty yogurt cup. He is a little chatter box but we do not understand any of the gibberish!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Happy new year! Hard to believe that the little ones will soon be One Year Old! sounds like the cousins are enjoying each other. Looking forward to more pics once you get settled. I am sure you are anxious to be in your new home! Click that digital !
Love and Hugs, YVBA