Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sooo Big!

Kate and Max had their 9 month Well Baby Visit Wednesday. Both are growing, achieving the appropriate milestones, and got their seasonal and H1N1 flu shots - Hoooray!!! Aunty Lana was able to come along and help us get all their measurements, entertain, and smother with love.

Kate weighs 17lbs 9oz and measures 27.4in. Kate even opened her mouth and said "Ahhh" for the doctor when she was asked.
From Kate & Max - November

Max weighs 18lbs 10oz and measures 28in. Max babbled the entire time!

1 comment:

Erin said...

lana's in town - yay! did 1.5 years go by already or is she just visiting and will go back? fun! yay 9 months!