Saturday, August 29, 2020

Virtual Academy - Week 2

 Week two of Virtual Academy was a little more rigorous than week one.  We still all get to have lunch together and we truly enjoy that brain break in the day!

Everyone stepped it up and liked the challenge.  Kate and Max ran their full schedule the whole week with homework, projects, started a novel and quizzes! They were exhausted but proud!

Anna's schedule added in specials (PE, Art, Music, STEM, Media) and a session after lunch where they started a novel. They finished off the week with a fun art project.  Anna loved the autonomy of it all and was very responsible about checking in promptly for each live session and completing all her assignments each day.

Alex met all of his specials teachers this week and really enjoyed getting to know each teacher.  He is enjoying the morning meeting - greetings, calendar, and letterland. Then he worked on activities each day specific to the letter of the day including listening, speaking, writing and reading.  He had 1:1 assessments and wrapped up the week with an Annie Apple craft.   He noted there was a lot less time to play on his own now that he is in kindergarten but liked getting to know the different teachers.

We finish off each day with time outside - chalk art, tennis, foursquare, chasing Finn, bikes, bubbles, etc. - whatever makes out hearts happy!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow! It is like new age learning big time!!! So proud of all the Kranz Family. Working together is an awesome gift you all share. Love and hugs, YVBA/YVBGA