Monday, November 30, 2020

Meet Despereaux

We found Despereaux on our hike.  He was lying in the street squeaking.  He is so young he has not opened his eyes yet and was not able to walk.  We moved him to a log while we hikes and he was still there when we returned.  The kids hearts told them he needed a loving home...(and I melted into a puddle).  The kids have been feeding him around the clock every two hours, made him a home, and are taking such great care of him. 

Morgan Creek Trail

 Another awesome trail in Chapel Hill!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Gingerbread House Contest - Friends

We set up the same Gingerbread House competition among a few friends and had a great response as well. Entries were submitted via text message and all voting occurred by text. It was super fun seeing all the creations!

Gingerbread House Contest - Cousins

 We set up a Gingerbread House Contest with all our cousins and it was a hit!  Everyone decorated their own at their respective homes around the world and then on Sunday, we all voted!  It worked out great!

Gingerbread House Decorating

 Oh the fun!  Elfie decorated his own mini house and our windows!  The kids spent HOURS working on their creations and Daddy got into it too!

Anna - Santa's Hangout
Max - South Pole Stop
Alex - North Pole Club

Kate - Mrs. Claus' Cottage
Daddy - Holiday Log Cabin

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Thanksgiving day was especially wonderful.

We started the day off with some friendly competitions!

We worked together with Mimi to make an amazing meal at her house.

We zoomed with New Zealand, Wilmington and Greensboro.  We played BINGO, did a scavenger hunt and Emma read us a story.

We zoomed with Matt & Ron and the Tampa family. We played charades and the kids took turns reading stories to each other.
We have many blessings!