Friday, March 27, 2020

Bean Sprouts

Our science project turned out pretty well and the kids drew some interesting conclusions.  In the end, Max did a little research on how to best transplant bean seeds and guided us through the process. It was a beautiful way to finish off the week - outside in the yard!

Homeschool: Week 2

What a week?!?!
The week flew by as we started with the Egg Drop and ended with transplanting our bean plants to the garden. Here are some of the highlights:

Monday, March 23, 2020

Egg Drop

The kids came up with our Monday Project - An Egg Drop!!!
They chose teams, had 10 minutes to plan, 10 minutes to collect supplies, 1 hour to build, test, make adjustments.  We did three rounds of drops from higher locations with hard boiled eggs.  To everyone's surprise both contraptions kept the egg safe and snug - no cracks at all! It was a very EGGciting afternoon!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Funday

The Kranz Clean Team is in full spring cleaning mode!!!
 With nowhere to go and no one to see except each other, we dumped out every cupboard and drawer in the kitchen, scrubbed it clean and put it all back with more order and organization than before! 
Yes, that is what I call a SUPER SUNDAY!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Happy First Day of Spring

The week flew by - HELLO SPRING!  
We had an awesome week experimenting with different resources to get a nice fit for everyone, learned how to Zoom, cleaned, did yard work, biked, and listened to audiobooks. Today we finished off the week and welcomed spring with an experiment to get some seeds growing!
Zoom Time with Classmates
Reading/Writing/Social Studies
 Bird Feeders
 Daily Walks/Bike Ride
 Game Stations
Seed Experiment