Friday, August 30, 2019

Finn - 10 months

Finn has done a lot of growing an maturing the past few months!  He has become more reliable and attentive to our commands. He adores the kids' love and attention. He knows when it is time to go on a walk and sits by the door. He loves snuggle time with Peter every evening. He has lots of friends in the neighborhood and licks them all too much! It is hard to imagine life before Finn!!!

Monday, August 26, 2019

First Day: 2019/2020

All the kids had a magnificent first day!
TK- Ms. Sujata
2nd Grade - Ms. Oney
5th Grade - Ms. Joseph
5th Grade - Ms. Delverne

Saturday, August 24, 2019


When something is beautiful to you in the rain, shine, cold, and fog... you know you are in love!

Maine: Sea Glass

We spend HOURS searching the rocky shores for treasure, not least of which is sea glass!  We search for all colors but blue and red are especially rare and therefore the most prized treasure of all! Tide charts and maps are studied and everyone has their own bags for collecting.  I ended up with 10lbs of sea glass (and maybe a few rocks) in my luggage coming home! :)

Maine: Diver Ed

Mimi found the most outstanding little tour near bar harbor called Diver Ed's Dive-in Theater.  We spent 2-hours in the harbor exploring the bottom of the sea up close and personal. Diver Ed, dove to the bottom with his camera/video and filled a bag full of living creatures.  Then he came up and taught the kids all about the creatures and let the kids handle them all before returning them to the sea.