Monday, October 30, 2017

Anna's Letterland Parade

Kindergarten celebrated the Letterland unit with a parade!  Each child dressed up as their favorite letterland character and paraded through the hallways. We topped off the event with their very first learning experience in their classroom!
Anna was Golden Girl!
Scratch Craft
Make Your Own Snack Mix
Pumpkin Letter Match

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Anna's Ice Skating Party

To celebrate Anna's 6th birthday, she wanted her friends to join her for a fun afternoon of ice skating and hot chocolate!
We gathered at Polar Ice House in Cary, tied on our skates and pulled on our hats! Mimi, Grandma Mary, Aunt Liz and Aunt Lana worked so hard to knit matching hats for each guest!
In addition to the sweet hats, each friend decorated their own mug to take home. They all did such a great job adding details!

Hot Cocoa Bar and Snowflake cookies were a hit! We floated candles in a giant marshmallow so we could sing!

We finished off the day with a sweet story about a pig that decided to be an amazing ice skater called Dream Big, Little Pig by Kristi Yamaguchi.
It was the perfect afternoon with all our favorite people!

Saturday, October 28, 2017


To celebrate our lovebug's 6th birthday, we did the JDRF walk as a family! This was an AMAZING event and probably the start of a new family tradition. Before we even finished the walk, the kids were brainstorming team names and designing our Tshirts for next year!
Anna and Peter entered the Tshirt contest! Anna loved being on stage!
 We got silly as we walked and ran into a few friends along the

Friday, October 27, 2017

Pumpkin Time

The kids had the best time working on pumpkins with Mimi and Pop Pop! Anna and Alex helped scoop out the inside of pumpkins and did some very creative looking pumpkins.  Alex made a pirate and a spider.  Anna made a unicorn and witch. Max and Kate both carved intricate designs.