Tuesday, May 31, 2016

22 Months

Alexander is as sweet as ever.  He is talking, running and busy playing all the time. He has so much to say and is eager to play wherever the kids are. He has decided Daddy's car is the best!

Alex has been traveling (Washington DC, Wilmington, Greensboro) and going to a lot of the kids' extra activities (school, baseball, swimming, ballet) this month. He enjoys exploring new places (and toys) and loves seeing the kids in action especially from the baby backpack. 
He is adding words hourly! He is putting phrases together like "Are you ____, Thank you _______, Morning _______,  Play outside please, not again, hold me, up please, Oh NO!"  He uses so much expression and feeling when he talks. He tells us when he is scared. He uses hand gestures to cover his mouth when he is shocked and surprised. He waves his arms in the arm when he just don't care...and wants to be super silly. He gives hugs and kisses with such love and enthusiasm.

Alex likes to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! He chases after the kids with water guns, spray bottles or buckets full of water.  He follows them all around the house and gets right in the middle of all the action.  He plays legos in Max's room. Critters, Barbies and baby dolls in the girls room. Tea parties, crafts, cars, little people and kitchen in the bonus room. Whenever we leave the house there is a car in his hand.  Outside, he waters the follows, rides the big wheels, digs in the dirt, and plays with worms.

We love you so much. You add so much love, joy, and laughter to each day.  Keep talking, running, playing and loving!

Mama, Dadda
KK, Ma, & Anna

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Foreign Travelers

Mimi and Pop Pop returned from an amazing 2.5 week anniversary trip to Switzerland, France and Iceland.  They made one final stop in Cary before returning to Greensboro to share their amazing adventures with us. The kids were tickled to hear about the the snow in Switzerland, the Marshmallow factory in France, the Blue Lagoon in Iceland and all the foreign currency. Thank you for sharing your special memories with us!

Pool Time

Our neighborhood pool officially opened and the kids were super eager to go play.  Super Daddy took the three big kids Saturday afternoon since it was 90+ and sunny.  Alex had an impressive fever of 103 and just wanted to be held so I was more than happy to have that job! The kids had an AMAZING time (no surprise) saw friends, went down the slide, and simply enjoyed a sneak peak at summer! The kids reminded Daddy to take pics for me - woohoo!!! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Casile's Poetry Cafe

Today was Max's Poetry Cafe.  His class has been working on a poetry unit.  They each made their own book including and I am poem, haiku, cinquain, couplet, and acrostic.  Parents arrived and were greeted by their super cool son/daughter with a pamphlet, brought to the refreshment station and escorted to their seats. The cafe hour proceeded with amazing young poets sharing their poems sitting on a stool with a working microphone.  Marvelous Max shared "Camping" a cinquain with us (one day I will figure out how to get the video off my camera!). It was very well done and the kids were so proud of themselves!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Anna's Last Day in the Frogs Class

We are sad to say, today was the last day
with our friends and wonderful teachers 
in the Frogs class. 
Now it is time for more fun in the sun!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Field Day 2016

Today was the third attempt to make Field Day 2016 happen and it was worth the wait!  Sunny, clear, and 80 degrees was the PERFECT weather for all things outdoors.  The kids ran themselves to the ground and loved every minute! Anna, Alex and I were able to cheer them on and sneak in a few tries of our own along the way! SO. MUCH. FUN!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Emma is 7

We celebrated Emma's birthday at her gymnastics studio! The kids had a blast running, jumping, bouncing, flying, climbing all over the studio! We refueled with snacks, cake and a craft! It was a super fun way to play with Emma and her friends and celebrate the little girl that we love so dearly!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Emma's Recital

Cousin Emma's last ballet recital was absolutely adorable. She and her classmates made up a story, Three Little Bears and a Ballerina, which they danced to. The interpretive dance was so sweet and creative. It made us all want to become ballerinas! We are so proud of you Cousin Emma!