Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween and everything in-between from pumpkin patches to collecting candy! So to say the kids were excited today is an understatement! The kids dressed up, paraded through the neighborhood, ran around with friends, went trick-or-treating, sorted through their loot and handed out candy to friendly ghosts and goblins of all sizes!

Friday, October 30, 2015


This year, Kate was adamant that she carve a pumpkin and clean out the insides.  Max was very interested in the carving part and collecting pumpkin seeds.  Anna wanted to paint. Alex wanted to help everyone! We made it all happen in a two-day process. Day 1: draw faces, paint and/or clean out the inside. Day 2: Carve & Display! Everyone was very proud of their creations!

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Max had an opportunity to do a snapology session.  He had so much fun making different lego creations each week.  One of his classmates joined him and they had the best time together. 
We totally lucked out with the weather each week and were able to walk up to school, see Max's work and walk home!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Harvest Festival

Today was extra special at preschool because it was Anna's birthday AND the Harvest festival.  Since it was Anna's birthday she was the line leader and in charge of snack. The Harvest Festival included a hay ride (in the rain), a few games, an apple magnet craft and snack. It was such a fun celebration!
  It just so happens that the day Anna was born, Kate and Max were having their Harvest Festival in the same classroom with the same teachers four years ago!

A Fabulous Day to be Four

Anna had a very fun birthday from start to finish. We started with a little birthday bar and gifts. Daddy went in to work a little late so he could take Anna to DD for a little Daddy Donut Time! The rest of the day was filled with fun at school, the harvest festival, playing outside, going to dinner at Panera, eating cupcakes and wrapping the day up with Bitty Baby and Me matching Pjs.

Anna is 4!!!

It is hard to believe four years ago, our sweet baby girl was born! What a fun character she has become.  We love her enthusiastic, charming, kind, inquisitive, ambitious, brave, resilient, silly, vibrant attitude all wrapped into one beautiful little person. You are an amazing part of our lives and we are all better people because of YOU!
Happy Birthday Anna Banana!
October 2011
October 2012
October 2013
October 2014 
October 2015
Banana Peel
Daddio, Mommio, KK, Maxi & Alex-Bo-Balex

Tuesday, October 27, 2015