Friday, July 31, 2015

Our Littlest Love

Alexander Adam Kranz
1 Year Old

Sitting, Standing, Scooting, Crawling
Moving around the house is not a problem.  The kids have a blast getting Alexander to follow them from one end of the house to the other and around in circles by crawling, rolling, cozy coupe, and walker. He is so happy to be part of the loud, silly fun.

Alexander has so much fun copying us and getting our attention with his squeaks and squeals. He has a few words including Hi, Bye (baba), Dada, WOW and Go, several letter sounds and some babble that sounds like a whole story.

Cause &Effect
Whenever he hears the kids sing or some familiar music he starts dancing! He loves doing "So Big" and waving his hands in the air. Max has taught him how to sputter. Kate has taught him how to blow bubbles in the water.  Alex is so proud when he does Hi/Bye and someone returns the gesture.

My goodness...our little man will smile anytime, anywhere! I think this is one of his most special traits that captures everyone's' attention. His smile is absolutely contagious and fills your heart with so much happiness.

We are so blessed with this little man. He is so special and loveable. We have enjoyed our first year together and look forward to the fun little toddler you will become in the year to come.

Alexander is ONE!

3 Months
6 Months
9 Months
Little Love,
You are a dream come true!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pool Time

Remember this giraffe pool from Kate and Max?!?! Yep, it has survived four kiddos and a cousin! BEST. DEAL. EVER!!!


Kate & Max had their last swim practice and awards ceremony for the season. There were lots of hugs, good-byes and I am gonna miss you's... Please note we are a neighborhood pool! :)
 Awards Ceremony
 We'll be back...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Always A Good Time

It is a good day when the kids can play in the sun and the Moms can catch up and sip wine. 
Ahhh, Life is Good!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Beach Bums

We spent some quality time building awesome castles, dams, moats, pools and many walls which were all destroyed by waves! It was fun while they lasted and I am confident they would do it all over again!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ripley's Aquarium

The aquarium was super fun!  The kids and I got to touch sharks, horseshoe crabs, jellyfish and stingrays.  There is this cool tunnel you walk through that goes through this huge "Danger Tank" which is where a bunch a sharks are swimming all around you in addition to a whole coral reef of fishy friends.  We saw a mermaid show, met the mermaids and touched their fins! We made special friends to take home with us (Liz, I knew you would be proud).

Broadway at the Beach

One night we checked Broadway at the Beach and had SO. MUCH. FUN!  We ate dinner, went on a few rides, saw a magic show and enjoyed some yummy ice cream!

Myrtle Beach - Water Park

Duke puts on a conference at Myrtle Beach each year.  The lecturers get to bring their families!  We always look forward to this trip because it is super fun for the kids and easy for us. We have the beach and outdoor water park right at our doorstep.  Plus there is the whole wide world of Myrtle Beach to explore if interested.  This year we spent most of our time in the water park, a little time on the beach and checked out Ripley's Aquarium and Broadway at the Beach for a little variety! There was something for everyone and our little fishies did not mind splashing around the the water one little bit!
Face Painting
 Hoola Hoop Contest
Daddy Time!