Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day+

Aunty Liz and Emma joined us for Memorial Day.  We took a trip to DJ's Berry Patch, and had a ton of good play time.

Backyard Fun

Nature Hike - looking for treasures!
 More Backyard Shenanigans
 Smoothies in the pool - what a life!
Strawberry Farm
 A Day in the Life of Cousins!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

19 Months

Anna is a playful little firecracker! She is always looking for attention, likes to pretend play, started singing her ABCs (the tune plus a few recognizable letters) and LOVES being outside!
She walks exclusively and is trying hard to run.  She huffs and puffs and goes exactly the same speed! She falls a lot but it does not bother her, she just hops up and keeps going.
She loves being outside, playing in the water, following the kids around, going to the park, riding bikes, trikes, scooters and automobiles, playing ball and lounging in the wading pool with no water (yes!).  
She is getting more daring at the park - climbing the ladders, sliding down slides by herself and with Kate, digging in the sand and pointing out every duck, bird, butterfly and dog.
Anna has shown an interest in doing art projects.  Mostly she wants to scribble with pencils and crayons.  Occasionally, I give her a paintbrush and yogurt while the kids paint and she paints herself and tray!
Anna lines up pillows after dinner for the kids' show.  She usually requests "Go Go Go" (Cat In The Hat).  She lays down for about three minutes and plays all around them the rest of the time until it is time to put the pillows back.
She is doing more pretend/role play.  She cooks us cookies (Koo-Koo) in the oven, feeds her baby whatever she is eating, undresses all of her dolls and says "Uh Oh, Baby!" and checks our belly buttons.
She prefers going on a walk with Kate and Max in our make-shift triple stroller.  She teases the kids by tickling them, pulling Max's hair, and snatching their snacks and drinks.
Our little girl fills our hearts with so much joy. We love all her little parts, embrace her innocence,  enjoy her sweetness and look forward to all her silliness.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


just getting started...!!! :)

Shiny Clean!

Another successful visit to the dentist!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

Kate and Max invited Anna and I to have a picnic lunch with their class the last day of school.  I was beyond thrilled and their teachers were very open to the idea.  It was such a sweet, simple way to end the year.
 Play Time
 All good things must come to an end!