We had our two month well baby check-up. Max is 10lb 5oz and Kate is 9lb 12oz! Hooray. They received a series of three shots and an oral vaccine - they did so well. :) They both cried for approximately 5 seconds and then promptly fell asleep for 1.5 days only to rise for food!
Fun Facts: Kate has her days and nights mixed up. Max LOVES Kate, he constantly tries to rub her hair, hold her hand, cuddle close. Both enjoys sleeping in their crib, bouncer, swing, carseat, and Baby Bjorn. They each have their own distinctive cry and are just beginning to giggle. I am not sure how to teach an infant how to giggle, but it sure is cute listening to them make a variety of noises and smile with great pride. They have long conversations with me and daddy and thrive on the attention of us mimicking their noises (to the best of our ability).
Sweet MomentsBunnies From Great Grandma Adam
Special Onsies from DaddyOne Smile, One...Thanks Grammie for the new Outfits