Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dress Rehearsal

We just got home from a 24 hour adventure at Duke. I had been having contractions through the night and they continued into the next day. Since the contractions were 10-15 minutes apart for 15 hours they told us to head to the ER. They did several tests to determine what was going on but could find no reason to think I was going into labor. So they admitted me and pumped me full of fluids and gave me some meds to slow things down. They had a hard time slowing them down but finally around 9pm we felt some relief. Needless to say they kept us overnight to watch.

So now I am back at home on "modified bedrest" meaning I can take care of my personal needs and that is all. The dress rehearsal was nice in that we got a chance to see if we had everything packed that we needed, work out any kinks, got all the paperwork started, and got some of the blood tests out of the way for the real deal. The DR and nursing staff was superb. YAY Duke!

Monday, December 29, 2008

31 Weeks - New Feelings

A few new feelings this week. Baby Girl Kranz, who is head down, just got her first bout of hiccups as far as I can determine. Baby Boy Kranz is a world of wonder. His slow smooth motions keep me wondering which way he is facing. There newest trick is to have Baby A roll over and push her butt out so I look like I have a mountain on one side while Baby B is pushing out the side - all simultaneously I might add. It is quite an unusual shape I take on that is hard to describe but very funny. Peter can see there rapid movements and acrobatics from across the room. They both love my ribs and seem to have dance parties at night so when I wake up I feel like I have been beat up! :) They have mastered the art of tricking me by doing quick movements in the middle so I am not sure who did what?!?!
I love it all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

30 Weeks

Hoooray! We have made it to 30 weeks. I have had a lot of Braxton Hicks but apparently all is well. The doctors did an ultrasound to check heartbeats, baby activity, and fluid levels. Everything looks normal and right on track! Baby Girl Kranz is still head down and once again Baby Boy Kranz has changed his position so his head is up and feet are down. The doctor laughed and said this is so typical of a boy-girl twin pregnancy!

The doctors have officially recommended that I discontinue work after the winter break. No worries, they are just being extra cautious and trying to avoid any complications and/or preterm labor if possible.

We have a lot to be thankful for this Christmas. We are blessed with loving friends and family. We are grateful for the miracle of two little lives to love. We are forever fortunate to have one another!

Happy Holidays To Everyone! May you enjoy the gift of life and the happiness that surrounds you each and every day.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

28 Weeks

Baby Boy Kranz Baby Girl Kranz
Today was a wonderful day at the doctor. We got to check on the growth of both babies and they are doing quite well. Baby Girl Kranz is now 2.6 lbs and Baby Boy Kranz is 2.5 lbs. We are thrilled about this growth and it explains the rapid growth everyone has affectionately noted in my belly pics. There is little room for movement and there is even less room to get good pictures. We are really down to pictures of parts and even at that, they are quite squished. Both babies are pointed down but it became quite apparent why I feel like one of them is kicking me in the rib cage all the time when we found the boy's femur right up against my ribs. The girl is still a girl and the boy is WOW still a boy! Daddy is a proud man!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Nursery - A Work in Progress

The Nursery is coming together nicely. My Dad worked diligently the day after Thanksgiving to put together the changing table and rocking chair in addition to the sweet swing down on the third floor. Mom and I made sure everything was stocked and organized just perfectly. The picture frames currently host two poems selected by Peter for his little girl, Listen to the Mustn't by Shel Siverstein, and little boy, If by Rudyard Kipling. The third frame is a poem we wrote for our babies. Mary Ellen is working on wall quilts for each baby, a valence, and rocking chair cushions. I can not wait,it is just what we imagined.