Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Precious Moment

Another ultrasound! I love it since I think I could watch them play all day long. It was an early morning visit and Baby B prefers to sleep in (like daddy) so he was yawning (saw his tongue) and rubbing his eyes. Baby A had woken up (not sure if she slept at all) and was all wiggles but facing the wrong way so we could not see her little face. The cutest part was that they were cheek-to-cheek. Granted they are in their own little sacs but their heads were as close together as they could get them. Ahhhhhh...I love motherhood already!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Shower at Carolina Inn

Elizabeth and my Mom hosted the most beautiful baby shower at the Carolina Inn. The tables were beautifully decorated with fresh flowers, cute baby confetti, baby pictures of Peter and myself, M&Ms with "Kranz Twins", "Baby Girl", and "Baby Boy" printed on them, and party favors shaped like building blocks filled with M&Ms. We enjoyed a scrumptious lunch, played a cute game guessing the prices of baby items, and opened a million wonderful gifts. Peter and I are forever grateful for the generosity of our friends and family.

A couple of exciting, almost tearful, moments occurred when I opened the BOB Ironman Double Jogger from my Mom, Elizabeth, Lana, and Abigail and again when I opened the most precious hat and bootie sets made by Mama Kranz. We are so lucky and feel so loved. Thank you everyone!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I have been feeling the babies move around for a while. Then the flutters turned to bumps and thumps. As of Friday night, we can actually see little body parts bop around. Each little benchmark is so amazing to us.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby B (Boy) at 20 weeks

Baby B loves to ham it up for the ultrasound. He showed us all his parts with no hesitation, especially his boy parts! At one point he looked like he was doing yoga with his legs over his head. He certainly likes to wiggle during the day.

Baby A (Girl) at 20 Weeks

Both babies were perfect angels for their ultrasound. Baby A was mostly twisted and on her side with her head down. She must really like her little butt because that is what we saw most of the time. We did get a very precious picture of her face with all her teeny, tiny features. The other picture looks like she is pondering something very intensely. I continue to be amazed at the amount of growth that occurs in four weeks. The finite details are unbelievable and sooooo adorable!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Field Trip

Today the babies and I went to visit Daddy at Duke. He is on-call this weekend but thought it might be fun to take a peak at the little wigglers. They were definately wiggling! Baby Girl Kranz was sucking her thumb. We could see her lips and jaw moving. Baby Boy Kranz was a little wiggler and kept putting his butt in Baby Girl's face followed by his feet. Oh Boy...I can not wait! :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 19

Still growing! I think I grew significantly over the weekend. The little wigglers continue to wiggle all day long which is quite soothing. My appetite comes and goes but everything tastes better than ever. Peter and I joined a couple of friends at Vin Rouge for an exquisite dining experience topped off by the most marvelous chocolate mousse. While I miss the wine the most, feeling the babies move makes it all worth it. Just 12 more days to go until our next detailed anatomy scan - can not wait for that three hour appointment!

A New Walk

One of my sweet colleagues informed me that I have a new walk. I was like what? No? Do you think? Seriously? I had not noticed, but apparently only a mom can notice these things of another mom. I have some sort of "mom sway" according to another colleague who confirmed what the first person was pointing out. This is not yet considered a "waddle"; however, this is soon to develop as well. I guess it is what it is - I have a new walk! I wonder if the old walk will return? Another fun development in the Day-in-the-Life of pregnancy. :)